Monday, April 23, 2012

I love the spirit :)

Today was a miracle day! So I am laying in bed early in the morning and I was woken up suddenly. I had this thought that I should check the Weber State website to look at the class that I am missing for graduation. I almost didn't listen to the prompting cause it was early and I really wanted to sleep ha... but then I remembered that we are supposed to listen to any prompting no matter how small! So I get out of bed and check the website and I see that I am still on the waiting list for the first block class... but the school had added a second block class last night! I hurry and register for that class. I also needed a class called strategic management that fills up quick, so I checked that class (the one in the summer was a prerequisite for the fall one) and there is one opening left! I got into both classes that I needed! I don't know if anyone would understand how excited I am. I feel so blessed that I listened to the small promptings of the spirit. I know that Heavenly Father looks out for me and loves me :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wedding Shoes?

So I am having the hardest time picking out shoes to wear on the big day! I had no problem picking out  my dress, but choosing shoes is another story! I finally found some shoes that I liked online... they are VERY pricey but I want everyone's opinions! Click here!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stupid Weber State....

I had the most frustrating morning ever! So I stayed up late last night so that I could register for the classes I need to take for the fall semester. The classes that I left for the very end are the ones that always fill up super quick. There is only class a semester so I wanted to spring into action, and get enrolled to ensure that I could graduate this December... Well I go to register for a class called strategic management (probably the one class I was most worried about), and it says that I haven't filled all the of the prerequisite classes required. I go to my catalog and to my horror I notice that a class that I was going to take in the fall along with strategic management is a prerequisite... I tried to register for the summer class so that I could take strategic management in the fall, but I am on the waiting list to get in. I am 45th in line... Chances are that I wont be able to take the class this summer... and on top of that its a first block class that ends on June 22. I am marrying the handsome Kody Little on June 8th and going on a honeymoon for about a week after. I would be missing a majority of the class and most likely wouldn't pass. Ideally I would like to take everything in the fall and just get it all done. I run to campus the next morning to talk with the registration lady  hoping that she will give me a break and let me take the classes at the same time, but she is no help. She is telling me that if I don't get in the class in the summer time I wont be able to graduate until spring 2013. Weber State gives no breaks. They don't care about their students as long as they get their money for tuition. I am not happy... holding me back a whole semester to finish one class. I should have noticed the requirements for the stupid class, but hey I am  not perfect and everyone make mistakes. So that is my frustrations for the day... I am sorry if this blog post was super boring but... I needed a avenue to vent! Good thing my sweet fiance did a good job cheering me up this morning cause I was super pissed! I am so blessed to have him in my life and to make me happy :) Lesson to future students of Weber State students... look at your schedule cause they wont help you if you make a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!