Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homework.... How I hate you so! (I am basically just venting)

This week has been totally crazy! I feel like my professors all got together, and decided to make a bunch of assignments due this week. I had a major project or test for each of my five classes. I would normally have all week to do them, but I am trying to finish them before the weekend so I can actually enjoy myself. I have the same professor for two of my classes, and I think  he is a terrible teacher. He does not explain at all what he expects for the projects. He just randomly says oh by the way your project is due Monday. I hate how once I got into upper division courses I could no longer decide who my professor is going to be. There is one professor teaching and only once time offered. It is so frustrating because even if he professor sucks I have to take the class. Anyway... Its been a stressful week. I probably should stop procrastinating and get back to work! :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry you will get them all done, and then can have fun with your man! grrrr!
